9th of November 2023, 6-8 pm

Wigtownshire Rugby Club.

Want to know more about proposed ideas for the East Pier and how it will affect the town?

Meet the people involved, have your say and get your questions answered.

Have you heard that Stranraer is proposed to be pedestrianised? Come and join the conversation and find out more.

It wouldn’t be a Vision and Action meeting without

  • Inspiring positive conversation that will bring regeneration to the town.

  • Food, refreshments and music

FREE singer-songwriting workshop with Stacey Joy

At the Creative Stranraer Hub, 23 King Street.

Join award-winning singer-songwriter, Stacey Joy, experimenting and getting creative writing songs.

If you have ever wondered how this was done, this is your chance. A three part workshop in Oct, Nov and Dec.

Book your place now. Place are limited to 8 per workshop. Book one or all three, whatever you want to get out of it.

Winter writing workshops with Penny McPherson

At the Creative Stranraer Hub, 23 King Street.

Would you like to tap into your inner writer this winter? Join this three part writing workshop. Book one workshop or all three, whatever works for you.

Join our mailing list

So you are empowered to contribute to make the changes in Stranraer. Don’t sit on the sidelines.

When you are on the list, you will hear all the news of Creative Stranraer and you won’t get left behind. You will be ready to embrace the changes and benefit from it.

Welcome, Tragic O’Hara

The first professional street artist for the Stranraer.

Finding the best artist has been quite a journey but I believe we did it. Now the fun and creativity will begin. Tragic, is a professional street artist and he is creating the first of many, vibrant images to inspire and share the story of Stranraer and the Rhins. This is a very exciting time to be in this wonderful town.

I hope to see you at the next Listening and Visioning meeting, where you can meet Tragic in person. Scroll down to Register your FREE place.

Listening and Visioning Meeting - 2nd Nov update

So much happened. So many people and so many great ideas and a lot of fun.

The town is changing because of you.

Click the yellow button to read all about it.

The ideas are growing

Enjoy the documentary version (7 minutes) of the journey of apple seeds to trees, a metaphor for manifesting the ideas for Stranraer from the Listening and Visioning meetings. Take a look to see where we are on the journey.

Special thanks to Colin Belton, Garden Supervisor at Logan Botanic Gardens.

Meet Janet Jones

Your new Art and Engagement Officer, creating a vibrant town of Art and Culture, starting by bringing out the Stranraer talent and assets and telling the world.

“This journey is for you. Make sure to be on it.”

Listening and Visioning Meeting One Update

This was a ‘getting to know you’ opportunity and for the town to discover Janet’s unwavering enthusiasm

It was a huge success. It seemed like people want to be a part of the changes.

The first thing to do is listen. This was an opportunity to discover the assets of the town from the perspective of the people.

HERE you can read about the first Listening and Visioning Meeting in June, held at the Millenium Centre.

Listening and Visioning with local Artists

Meeting number one - From the first meeting, it became apparent that the local groups of talent would benefit from individual meet ups. On the 26th of June, Janet started with the very talented visual artists of Stranraer and the Rhins.

To discover more of the creative ideas that will make the town more inspiring but also boost the economy, read this blog

Listening and Visioning Meeting Two

Wow this really got rocking. Janet doubled the number of people in the room. Mr Gillespie, of Gillespie Bakers donated the delicious cakes. Caroline Cameron, brought tasters of her vegan baking and got a commission for some baking. Catriona McGhee, sang Caledonia and everyone joined in

That was the environment that inspired creativity and an abundance of ideas. If you were unable to be there, or would like to be reminded of what we covered and the conversations, Janet has written an informative blog

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